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3D technology: visualization tool of cosmetic activities

Marie-Danielle Vazquez-Duchêne is a researcher who works in the field of three-dimensional representations in Advanced Imagery & Multimedia Department...


Vazquez-Duchêne Marie-Danielle, Gillon Véronique, Freis Olga, Périé Gilles, Gauché Dominique, Zambaux Marie-France and Pauly Gilles

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Cosmetic Applications of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals

We are all aware of the three common states of matter: solids, liquids, and gasses. There is, however, a less-commonly known state of matter that is “in


Jed A. Riemer Ph.D. and Lydia Ortega

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Depigmentation Factor Bioflavonoids – A safe and effective skin lightener based on encapsulated citrus bioflavonoids.

Depigmentation Factor Bioflavonoids consists of citrus bioflavonoids encapsulated in nanospherical liposomes. These citrus bioflavonoids are obtained ...


Dr Jane Tiedtke, Mr Jacques Morel & Dr Olaf Marks

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