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How safe are Sun Protection Products

Sun protection preparations (sunscreens) are classified differently internationally. The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) determination methods as well as ...


Authors: W. Voss, M.D., I. Bunge, M.D., Ph.D., G. Schlippe, M.D., Dermatest GmbH, Münster, Germany

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Reliable and Safe Replacement of Parabens is Possible

Since parabens were detected in female breast cancer cells in 2004 by Darbre et al(1) the cosmetic industry is yearning for alternatives to this bench...


Author: Dr. Jan Jänichen, Dr. Straetmans GmbH, Hamburg, Germany

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Tests on Cosmetics: Requirements and Successful Implementations

Dermatological tests in accordance with scientific criteria are of decisive value for the safety and efficacy of cosmetics. The latest alterations to ...


Authors: M. Bayer, Ph.D., G. Schlippe, M.D., W. Voss, M.D., Dermatest GmbH, Münster, Germany

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