A Review of Preservatives in Cosmetic Products Preservatives are substances which may be added to cosmetic
products for the primary purpose of inhibiting the development
of micro-organisms in suc...
M U Iwobi, BSc, PhD, C Biol, MI Biol, EurProBiol; C J Brennan, BSc, PhD, EurChem, CChem, MRSC; A T Grotkiewicz, BSc, MSc, MRSC; L B Martin, BSc, MRSC, Intertek Toxicology Assessment, Leicester, United Kingdom
An Active Complex to Provide Plant Derived Steroid Precursors to Compensate the Natural Deficit of Aged Skin and to Improve Skin Biophysical Parameters Skin ageing is associated with a deficit of relevant biological
precursors essential for maintaining a healthy skin. Reduction
of hormonal status in...
Dr Kuno Schweikert, Dr Frank Gafner, Induchem AG, Volketswil, Switzerland Dr Giorgio Dell’Acqua,