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Fusion Technology: The Microbial Fermentation of Small Molecules for Skin Care

Recent developments in cosmetic and personal care have imitated ideas from the food, nutritional and pharmaceutical industries for crossover applica...


Smitha Rao MS, James V. Gruber PhD, Judith Bernabe, Lisa Bouldin, Arch Personal Care Products, L.P., NJ, USA Robert Holtz , BioInnovation Laboratories, Lakewood, CO, USA

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NanoSolve: An Advanced Carrier System for Cosmetic Application

In the last decades many different carrier systems for cosmetic applications have been developed. This study presents a carrier system named NanoSol...


Dr R. Wajda, Dr J. Zirkel, Dr K. Sauter

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SkinaSenSyl™ – The neurocosmeceutical Soother. new Generation Cosmetic active ingredient for Sensitive Skin

With growing demand for cosmeceutical products and ‘homeuse’ treatments with effects similar to dermatological procedures, such as micro dermabr...


Gilles Pauly, Philippe Moussou, Jean-Luc Contet-Audonneau, Louis Danoux, Olga Freis, Melanie Sabadotto, Isabelle Benoit, Anne Laurie Rodrigues, Andreas Rathjens

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